Technology Use in the Classroom
The end of the year is approaching and so are end of the year assessments. This week in my Kindergarten classroom I began my end of the year Kindergarten assessments. I will pass along these assessments to the first grade teachers and use them to evaluate myself and the students and what they learned throughout the year. I complete a large portion of the assessment with my students 1-1 but this year I used technology to complete a portion of the assessment. Using Google Forms, i was able to access a link to my google form. I set this link up on all the iPads in my classroom and allowed the students to complete the form assessment during center time. I will continue to use this assessment format for years to come!
I love how you are incorporating your technology into your assessments. We have as a school this year incorporated a lot of technology in our classes. After watching a few rounds of 5th grade defenses, the more the students are exposed to using it in class, the better the more engaged in the learning they will be and it will become a norm.