
My kindergarten students are an active bunch of kiddos! 2019 has felt like it has been filled with many rainy or cold days and we are stuck having indoor recess or a shortened period of time that the students can be outside. GoNoodle is an online resource that provides vides to get kids moving in the classroom. GoNoodle has been a wonderful resource for me to use with my class for brain breaks, indoor recess or mindfulness activities.

GoNoodle is a website that has many different videos that get kids moving! My students favorites are the Koo Koo Kangaroo videos. These are silly videos that encourage movement, dancing and a break for students to get out of their seats.

There are also different videos that share educational content like the videos featured in the Blazer Fresh category. My students' favorite is Banana Banana Meatball which teaches about patterns. The have videos about grammar, math, social studies, science and more!

Another feature I love about GoNoodle is the mindfulness videos. I play these videos whenever my students need to calm down, focus or take break. The have topics that focus on breathing, calming down, being kind, practicing self control, managing stress and more. I can tell a major difference in my students behavior and attention after competing one of these videos. I hope you will check it out with your class too!


  1. My 5th graders love GoNoodle too. Indoor recess can be frustrating for everyone, they need to be up and moving and their is only so much you can do in the space of the classroom. I also have my kids do (kid yoga). I thought they would think that it was too kiddie but they ask for GoNoodle or yoga on indoor recess days. Do you require all of your students to participate?

  2. This looks like a fantastic tool for student engagement, especially when you are stuck indoors! Thanks for sharing!


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