Blogger Reflection- Google Sheets Poster Printing
This week I read an old post shared by Meredith Akers about using Google Sheets to make and print posters. You can read this post here. In my Kindergarten classroom I try to use bring colors, posters and pictures to make my classroom feel welcoming and inviting. At the beginning of the school year, I always take pride in putting together my classroom but unfortunately this can be a costly task. I found this post to be beneficial because it showed me an easy way to create posters for my class that I can print at school. This allows me to make posters that are unique to our class content, behavior plans or decor. The font choices you can choose from on google are awesome!
- Open Google Sheets
- Create and/or insert poster image
- Go to Insert, Drawing, and use Word Art, Text Boxes, Shapes, etc. to create your poster,
- Create your poster in Slides or Drawings and then download as a picture (,jpg or .png) and then insert the picture into your Google Sheets
- Go to File
- Make sure your paper size is set to letter (if that’s what you’re using)
- Under “Page Orientation”, choose between Portrait and Landscape based on how you want to piece together your poster
- Choose “Set Custom Page Breaks” in order to drag and drop the page breaks to places that would be easiest to piece together
- One great thing is that when it prints, a little overlap is printed on each piece for easy matching up.
- Move the dotted lines that represent page breaks until you are happy with how it will print.
These posters would be great for anchor charts, class projects creating digital posters, bulletin board displays, class banners or any display at school. Enjoy!
This is SO COOL! I know that your students appreciate and enjoy learning with bright and colorful visual aids. I also appreciate anyway we can engage students at little expense. I will defintiely be trying this out soon. Thanks for sharing!
I have never used Google Sheets so I was interested to learn more about it. I think this is an awesome concept and an idea that could be applied in my own classroom with decor and something my students can use if a project ever requires them to create a poster. Especially since the steps seem so easy to follow for high schoolers.
This post was very informative. For google to have as many products as it does I am not knowledgable of the products. Although it is easy to click on the icon and learn about it I don't do that, and this extension seems very useful and easy to use. I would love to use google products more in the classroom because of how accessible and easy it can be.