
After reading some blog posts from my classmates last week. I was inspired to try epic! in my own classroom. Epic! is a digital library for kids with over 35000 books available. I have currently been using Raz Kids for my independent reading centers in class but its always nice to have other options and mix it up. Epic is free for educators and I had read some great reviews from other teachers so I decided to give it a try. This week I had the epic apps loaded onto all my iPads. I am in the process of setting up my classroom on the teacher section of the website and exploring all that epic! has to offer. Here is a view after logging in to the teacher page.
From here you can add studnets to your roster. You can also share your roster from google classroom if you already have that set up and log in studnets using your classroom code. 
There are audio books, read to me books and independent reading options available. Teachers can assigning books and quizzes to individual studnets or their whole class and monitor progress. You can also give parents access so students can use epic! at home. I am assigning my first books and quizzes to students this week and trying it out during centers. I cant wait to see how it goes!
Epic! also has a monthly calendar you can download that gives you ideas for how to use epic! every day. I love this idea. Its providing simple easy ideas for a teacher who is new to using epic. If you use epic! in your classroom I would love to hear some of your favorite features. Thanks for reading!


  1. I am soooo excited to incorporate this into my classroom. I had never heard of it until last weeks how to video assignment. Luckily its perfect timing because I finally got my i-pads back after 3 months.

  2. YES! I love when I see other teachers using Epic! It is such a great resources and my kiddos, even my reluctant readers, beg to get on daily. I love that it can be used by such a wide variety of grade levels too! Great for differentiating.


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