iPads in the Kindergarten Classroom

As a Kindergarten teacher, I am always looking to find ways to make learning fun for my students. One thing my students really enjoy is using technology.  At my school, we have a large variety of technology available to use in our classrooms with students. One of my favorites for my group of kindergarten students are our classroom iPads. While there is controversy over the amount of screen time that can be detrimental to kids, I think using technology for learning in small increments of time can be beneficial students learning process and achievement too. 

One app that my class frequently uses is Raz-Kids. Raz-Kids is an online, guided reading program with interactive E-Books and reading quizzes.  Each teacher can create their own account and set up their classroom and students. This allows teachers to create a personal login for each student. Students can log in on iPads or a computer. The teacher can personalize the books that are available for each student once they log in based on their reading level. The students can select a book on their own level, listen to the book read aloud and read the book to themselves. After completing the read aloud and reading on their own, students will take a short comprehension quiz based on the book. All scores and activity are saved on the teacher's account. Login information can be shared with families too, so students can read at home if they choose. Students earn points for their reading and quizzes completed for their Raz-Rocket which motivates, encourages and makes reading even more fun! Raz-Kids provides teachers with data about their students reading ability. It is available for many different grade levels and is aligned with common core. 

Raz-Kids does require a paid subscription that our school provides for us each year. If you are interested in trying Raz-Kids they offer free trial periods too!  

Check out Raz-Kids here!


  1. A fellow teacher of mine brought up the concern of screen time at our last meeting after MAP testing. I hadn't really thought of the fact that many parents limit their students to a certain amount of screen time a day, and I wondered if parents would be able to have a say in the amount of screen time students had. This was a hurdle I had never thought about and wondered if any other teachers had come across. How have you been able to address this with parents?

    1. Hi Sarah,
      I have not had any parents discuss with me the amount of screen time we use while at school. If that situation would happen, I would most likely share with my parents how we are using technology for educational purposes for periods of time. I know many of my students have limits at home but at school we are always using them for educational purposes so parents seem to approve! I have seen a lot of people share on social media their opinions about screen time but for the most part everyone seems to agree that moderation is key! We use technology for periods of time but not all day or for lengthy amounts.

  2. There is an interesting longitudinal study that began recently and will run for 10 years to see the effect of screen time on children's brains.

    1. Yes, I am interested to see how this study turns out. I think technology can be used for so many great learning activities but can also be used too frequently or for the wrong reasons.


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